Wednesday 2 February 2011

On ending a book...

Just finished reading Alone in Berlin - I've whompfed through it in about 3 days and loved it. It's not one of those books that leaves you needing to think and reflect (unlike, say, Room which needed a good few hours of quiet to digest). But I am thinking about what to do next, because it seems a bit disrespectful to treat it like any old commodity and pile straight on into the next. 

And the afterword and endnotes drew out a whole set of literary ideas that I'd only just about been aware of about the fact that all the rebels were such obvious failures, but also presented as parents of the future and as decent humans etc. So I'm thinking vaguely that I should probably pause a bit after books that have any literary merit to think about them a bit, because I really do find my appreciation and enjoyment is improved by some analysis and insight, even post hoc. Hmmm. Maybe it's time to start adding reviews to by LibraryThing - though for now I'm also quite psyched by having read more than six books so that my widget can finally start doing its thing. 

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